St. Peter’s C of E Primary School is an ‘Excellent’  Church School.

School Leaders, Governors and Trustees are extremely pleased with the outcome of our recent Church School Inspection. To achieve the highest rating ‘Excellent’ under a more demanding set of measures, is a magnificent achievement. The Inspector has rightly highlighted the many achievements the school continues to make, recognising the support we give our children inside and outside the classroom, the progress they make and the strong partnerships we have with parents, St Margaret’s Church and the extended community.

Inspector Jo Warnes stated ‘St. Peter’s is a remarkable Church school, it is a place where lives are changed. It provides all pupils and adults with welcome, warmth and nurture. The partnership between church and school is a real strength. The curriculum provides pupils with the confidence, resilience and resourcefulness to grow and develop, both academically and spiritually. Pupils show high degrees of maturity, independence and self-motivation. St. Peter’s is a fully inclusive school at the heart of the community and provides hope and aspiration for all’.