Welcome to Reception

We learn through play in Reception, following the children’s interests, as well as learning through stories. We provide a safe, stimulating environment with lots of choice and open-ended resources so that the children can develop their own thinking and ideas, whilst choosing what resources they need to enhance their play.

We encourage a love of reading and regularly read a range of story and information books during the day. We retell stories together, and enjoy singing and rhyming, to develop the children’s language skills. We also teach Read, Write Inc in groups every morning.

We spend lots of time outside and challenge the children’s thinking and physical skills in lots of different ways. We develop the children’s gross and fine motor skills through a range of activities and provision both inside and outside. We also do PE on a Friday morning, but your child will not need a PE kit.

Maths is explored through everything we do and we work in our class groups on key Maths skills every morning. We follow the White Rose Maths principles and aim to develop the children’s visual Maths skills, reasoning and mathematical understanding through hands-on activities.

In Reception, we encourage the children to be independent and resilient, to face and solve problems with a positive attitude and to keep trying even when things are tough. We share our feelings and build close relationships between peers and with staff. In our loving, caring ethos, we support the children to flourish as people and to be proud of who they are.


EYFS Curriculum Overview June 2024
Reception Long Term Plan 2024- 2025

Meet the team
Mrs. Snaith Class Teacher
Mrs. Tyerman Class Teacher
Mr. Easton Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Russell Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Winspear Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Hogarth Teaching Assistant
Reception Videos

Reception retelling the classic story ‘We are going on a Bear Hunt’

Spring Notices



Gallery 2024-25


Gallery 2023-24


Our Area



2021-2022 Gallery



Reception Baptism

Beat the Street