Welcome to Key Stage 1
Entering Key Stage 1 is an exciting time where children begin their learning journey with the National Curriculum and develop an increasing independence. Topics covered are creative and enrich their understanding of the world around them. Many topics are based locally such as geography topics about Brotton village and the Victorian seaside town of Saltburn.
We have two mixed Year 1/2 registration groups in Key Stage 1. We all work together and cover the same topics, working on a 2 year rolling program.
Our School Day
- Spellings and Arithmetic practice
- English Lesson
- Maths Lesson
- Read, Write, Inc./Guided Reading session
- Foundation Subject/Topic focus
All children will have PE on a Wednesday. PE on Monday’s will alternate between Year 1 and Year 2 per 1/2 Term.
Weekly, differentiated spellings given on a Friday and tested on the next Friday.
Maths Homework given out on a Tuesday and due in by the following Thursday.
A menu of topic based tasks to be given out at the start of each half term and completed between Thursday and the following Tuesday.
All children will begin Key Stage 1 on the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics program. Their groups will be reassessed approximately every 6 weeks or sooner if needed. Children on this program will bring home reading books closely matched to their phonic knowledge.
Once the program has been completed, the children will move onto the Accelerated Reader program which uses computer-based assessments to match texts accurately to children’s reading ability.
Please encourage your child to read regularly and a parent/carer to sign the Reading Record each time they have read. This will help your child to progress and receive whole school and class rewards.
Meet the team
Mrs. Hobden | Class Teacher |
Mrs. Traynor | Class Teacher |
Miss Longstaff | Class Teacher |
Mr. Cartwright | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs. Marshall | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs. Roberts | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs. Breckon | Teaching Assistant |