St Peter’s Local offer 2024-2025
The Local Offer for schools in the Galileo Multi Academy Trust
St. Peter’s Children’s Offer & Accessibility Plan for Disabled Pupils
Visit our two SEND Class pages using the links below
Infant Assessment Class Junior Support Base
Useful Links
Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council SEND Support
Redcar & Cleveland SEND Information Directory – Find resources for adults, families, and local SEND communities
Children & Young Person’s Disability Register
Why should I sign up to it?
The register is used as a means for us to keep families updated with any new developments. Once you have added your child to the register, you will receive information regarding the short breaks offer aswell as information on local and national services, charities and events that are relevant to children and young people with disabilities and their families. In addition to this, you may, from time to time be sent other information from Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council that is relevant to you.
SEND Family Voice, Redcar & Cleveland
The Ark specialises in providing short overnight breaks for Children and Young People with learning and/or physical disabilities between the ages of 4 and 18 years old. It is located in Dormanstown, Redcar. Further information can be found on their Facebook page.
Redcar and Cleveland’s Short Breaks Self-Referral Clubs Brochure
For Children and Young People aged 5 years and over who have additional support needs and or disabilities. Please click on the link above to view the brochure.
Daisy Chain Family Support Service
The Junction
The Link Charitable Trust
Carers Together
Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council – How to contact Early Help
Past events