
At St Peter’s we realise the importance and place emphasis on not just teaching the outlines and guidance with in the national curriculum but strive in each subject and area of activity to take the opportunity to develop the whole child.

Our aims for PE and its delivery are to follow the guidance and recommendations set out in the national curriculum with appropriate and clear age related expectations but allow flexibility and discretion of those delivering the sessions to appropriately, and with relevance, set tasks with appropriate challenge and risk for each child, class, year group or individual.

Within PE lessons we should always aim to develop skills and physical literacy through a broad, varied and diverse range of areas of activity and where possible take opportunities to include and promote cross curricular learning. We also encourage practitioners and staff to use correct terminology and language to increase and broaden children’s vocabulary.

Structured PE lessons for pupils in our school begin in EYFS and are fully inclusive. Sessions are planned and adapted according to the classes, subject matter and individuals and we follow a curriculum map, again allowing flexibility and discretion for the practitioner to adapt and modify their sessions according to their informed teaching and models of practice.

Within the school we have tried to establish a strong, active sporting culture and the ethos, that hard work and achievement will lead to success. Children should feel confident and willing to engage in all areas of PE, physical activity and school sport, with each child in school receiving at least 2 hours of timetabled PE per week. We aim to take part in as many competitions, festivals and opportunities for physical activity as we can, so our pupils feel a strong sense of school identity which is proven to lead to less destructive habits in later life.

2 hours is a pre requisite for our School Games Mark (which we have gained Platinum, the highest award for our 3rd year running). We will also deliver swimming sessions over the year for each child in school.

Through our PE teaching we should always encourage children to have both healthy bodies and healthy minds and place a strong emphasis on social and emotional wellbeing. Children are encouraged to be active through their average school day and also to take part in 30 mins of additional activity at home outside of school (as outlined by the chief medical officer) by joining in or attending one of our free after school sporting clubs which run Monday-Friday and are free of charge with 2 clubs per night aimed at different year groups and key stages.

Children attending school should be fully included and confident in all our sessions of PE, physical activity and school sport and see the benefits of leading happy, healthy lifestyles and engaging in opportunities outside of school to help continue their development and build on their achievements and successes both in and out of the classroom.

Please see our Curriculum Intent page for Subject Overviews.

Progression in PE

PE Curriclum Map

Fundamental Super Hero


Cleveland School Sports Partnership Cross Country Festival at St. Peter’s