As a school, we are continuing on our journey to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning by using the plans and support materials produced by White Rose including Early Years. A new calculation policy is being produced to match the skills and processes in this scheme of work. The progression in the written calculation policy will link the key concrete experiences with pictorial and abstract representations. This approach will support children in moving forward with confidence and a deep conceptual understanding. Different models and images break the skills down so they can be effectively used to teach a concept to all children. Staff have been provided with Small Steps planning in folders and the Mastery more detailed plans have been placed on the school platform and handed out electronically.
Children have their own Mathletics and Times Tables Rockstars accounts that they can use in school and at home. We have recently purchased Numbots for Early Years and KS1 and they have the use of Ten Town online resources. Mental maths is taught daily, using Schofield and Simms.
Please see our Curriculum Intent page for Subject Overviews.