school meals
All schools within Galileo Academy Trust are provided catering services from Creative Management. We offer balanced, nutritious meals with the options of hot or cold lunches. Please see attached link for menu options which are on a 3-weekly roll.
How Much Does it cost?
As part of the government’s ‘Universal Free School Meals’ initiative, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal. The current price for children in Year 3- Year 6 is £2.55, and for those in The Ark & Nursery it is £2.45. Payments should be made via the Arbor App.
dietary requirements
If your child has any special dietary requirements then please let school know so that provision can be made for them.
packed lunches
If your child prefers, they can bring a packed lunch in a clearly labelled box/ container. As we have children with nut allergies in school, we ask that you do not include nuts in their lunches. We would also ask that the children do not bring cans, glass bottles or fizzy drinks. As a healthy school, we would request that packed lunches do not contain chocolate and sweets.
changes to meal arrangements
Please to not hesitate to contact the school office if you wish your child to change their current meal arrangements.